Wireless Cracker

Usage and guide to using Wireless Cracker

Getting Started:

To get started using the wireless cracker module select the attack you wish to execute.


Depending on the interface you plan to use for the attack in my case wlan0 and wlan1 were my options to use. Usually those are the most common interfaces to use and choose from when running any of these attacks in the module.

Types of Attacks:

  • WPS Attack - The attack works by executing a brute-force attack against the WPS PIN.

  • WPA/WPA2 Attack - Creates a .cap file for the user to read with a specific BSSID.

  • CAP Bruteforce - The attack works by executing a brute-force attack against all possible passcodes using a massive wordlist that is provided in the download. However, you can customize the wordlist to make it other wordlists while trying to crack the network.

Last updated